Camelot Estate Newsletter - Issue 01

Meet the Trustees

Heinrich Theunissen - Chairman Portfolio

Oswin Losper - Maintanance Portfolio

Tumie Mosiea - Communication Portfolio

Danie van der Linde - Gardening Portfolio

Konrad Tjaden - Security Portfolio


Marius Van Zyl - 083 699 4418

Word from the Trustees

The trustees of Camelot Estate would like take this moment and thank everybody for their patients while the transition from developer to home owners is finalised. We all want this process to completed as soon as we can but unfortunately, we are still awaiting for the final houses to be completed. At the moment we have no time line as to when this will be completed but as soon as we have this information we will share it with the home owners.

Once this is done, there will still be handover required from the developer. This is where the trustees will investigate the work that has been done from the developer and if all is not to a satisfactory manner, the trustees will send these items back to the developer.

We encourage all residents to please sent any un-satisfactory items on the common property to [email protected] so that we can discuss it with the developer. Please note, all items inside the residents property must be taken up to the developer in a personal capacity.

The trustees are busy engaging with the developer to set up a meeting date to discuss the handover procedure.

The trustees also acknowledge the fact that the residents are not aware of whats going on, when will the hand over be completed, what communication channels to follow, who is the trustees, just to mention a few.

We will be sending out quarterly updates as to where we are and we plan to do to make Camelot Estate safe and the estate that we all want.

The trustees thanks all home owners patients during this time, but rest assured we are working very hard to get everything completed as soon as we can.


  • A second jungle gym was erected to ensure our children have a variety of play and cater to their different needs.
  • 2x Bins were placed in the playground/area to ensure we always keep the area clean. Parents, please educate and drive that all park users always utilize the bins provided.
  • 2 Disclaimer sign has also been added. Parents are urged that children need to be under parents supervision when on the premises of the park.
  • With the use of the jungle gyms, a big hole as been opened up under one of swings section. This is a big saferty risk and a new sandpit has been installed.


Speed of all Vehicles – Vehicles driven on the roads within Camelot, should not drive faster than 20 km/h and should be driven in a safe manner and with due regard to other road users/pedestrians and owners/occupiers of units.

Residents are reminded to, for the safety of all residents, to please comply with the speed limit within the complex and to please ensure that any visitors to the complex are aware of this limit.

Owners are reminded that any breech of the conduct rules may result in the imposition of penalties and administration fees which will be added to the monthly levy account. It remains the responsibility of each owner to recoup such costs from a tenant.


In recent months we’ve had a few issues regarding security. Please remember all visitors either known by the guard or not need to always sign in at the gate.

All owners and residents are hereby advised that after a meeting with SJC Security, their service levels were monitored and evaluated.

After this evaluation period, on 05 October 2022, it was decided to terminate SJC Security services and notice has been given and their contract will terminate on 15 November 2022.

The trustees are currently in the process of assigning a new security company who will be appointed as the new security provider for Camelot Estate. Please note that this change will have no effect on any private contracts which owners or residents may have for alarm monitoring or armed response services.

The frequent load-shedding being implemented by ESKOM has been damaging to our gate motor. However, we have procured an inverter and a battery, that will keep the gate, lights, electric fence, camera and the intercom system during loadshedding. Please bear with us while we await the delivery of some of the items that will make our lives simpler. The inverter has already been installed, but because of the huge demand for back up batteries at the moment, our order is delayed until end of Novemeber for delivery. As soon as the installation of the whole system is completed, the residents will be informed.

Access Control During Loadshedding

Until we have our full back up power, all owners and residents are hereby reminded that in the event of loadshedding or the intercom system being offline, visitors will be requested to contact the resident personally. Visitors will be signed in manually and resident’s will have to meet their visitor at the gate to grant access. This is commonly referred to as the “Meet & Greet system”. Your cooperation and understanding in this regard is appreciated.

General Maintenance

Painting of Walls

Kindly note that Camelot is registered as a Homeowners Association and not a Body Corporate. It is own title and not sectional title. The maintenance of your home falls under your responsibility, this includes the painting of your home. The external paint codes received from the developer cannot be deviated from, and are;

  • External Walls: Midalux 240 P&M (Colour: Camelot – PSW 9346)

  • Fascia Boards and Dutch Gable planks: Midalux 240 P&M (Colour: Sugas – PSW 9099)

Browning on outside walls

The browning of wall issue has been sorted now, after a lot conversation as to the best and cost effective way, it was deciced to change the sprinkler heads on the sprinkler system. This did take longer than expcected because of lack of information as do how the sprinkler system works. The trustees can confirm now, that the browning of the walls has been fixed.